I'm confused. It's only October, but signs of jolly old Saint Nick are all around us. I went into our local home improvement store, and there were displays of Christmas trees, reindeer and the like all around. That evening, my wife put on one of the romcom channels (either Great American or Hallmark) and they're playing Christmas movies. Did someone monkey with my calendar?
Not that I mind. After the year this planet has had, we sure need a little (maybe a lot) of Christmas. Perhaps an early White Christmas will cure global warming.
Of course for me personally, the sights and sounds of the season mean one thing. Time to take out the writing pad and pen and begin crafting a story. Six years ago I decided it would be a random act of Christmas kindness to write a holiday themed short story (it featured an angel) that I'd post on Facebook and on my own website for family, friends and anyone else to read--absolutely free. Partially in the spirit, I post it in daily installments, a la Dickens, after which it remains up in its entirety for those who don't like to read in bits and pieces.
Reaction to that first story was decidedly positive, which could be proof that readers are less discerning these days. In any event, it was enough to inspire me to write another one the next year. And so on, and so on. My current plan is to write ten of these. This year will be year number six.
So look forward (or avert your eyes, as the case may be). Beginning December 1, Silent Nights will run in nine daily parts.